What are the most common ENT emergencies? An ENT doctor handles all kinds of diseases related to the ear, nose, and throat areas. The inclusion of so many different organs, tissues, and internal systems makes the ENT profession one of the most complicated disciplines in medicine.
Most ENT emergencies require care, urgent treatment, and post treatment precautions for better recovery. The full spectrum of possible ENT emergencies is pretty varied, but we have compiled a brief list of some of the most common emergencies for you.
Early detection and treatment are keys to a happier and healthier life by preventing the progression of the disease in its infected area.

Some of the Most Common ENT Emergencies
The following are a few of the most common ENT emergencies:
Middle Ear Infection
Hearing loss is common among adults as various factors can temporarily cause it. While some individuals may dismiss their hearing loss as something natural, it can be a severe problem if it’s due to a middle ear infection.
The infection usually begins from the back of the ear drum and can cause hearing loss. The risk of hearing loss in adults varies, but Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) is the most probable indication if the hearing loss continues.
The disease is pretty standard and straightforward to treat if diagnosed early. However, most individuals consider the gradual hearing loss as nothing severe and continue to live their lives until it becomes a big problem—individuals with OME on one side require a nasopharyngoscopy to eliminate the possibility of nose cancer.
The treatment for the condition may vary for each individual based on the severity of their disease. However, Nasopharyngoscopy of the postnasal space mass and its biopsy is the best treatment method. It gives the ENT specialist a comprehensive view of the problem and its possible treatment.
Severe Ear Pain
Ear pain is one of the most critical types of pain you experience in your life. Ear pain may accompany discharge with or without facial weakness on the same side. Like all diseases, the diagnosis of the disease may vary based on the situation. However, the most persistent result is Malignant Otitis Externa (MOE).
The disease is not common but is equally dangerous for the individual. Elderly individuals with diabetes Mellitus have a higher risk of developing the problem and require urgent treatment. Without urgent treatment, the infection and disease can spread throughout the ear and become fatal.
Patients suffering from possible MOE require urgent hospitalization and a course of antibiotics for intravenous treatment.

Sudden Onset of Hearing Loss or Ear Blockage
Hearing loss and blockage are usually connected to sudden onset sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). It is a common disease but can become serious if not treated promptly.
The hearing recovery, in this case, depends on the patient’s precautions and care. A hearing test confirms possible hearing loss below 30dB over 3 continuous frequencies within 3 days. Once the ENT specialist makes a diagnosis, they move forward with the treatment.
Most ENT specialists consider solid oral steroids and oral antivirals as the primary treatment option.
However, intratympanic (middle ear) steroid injections are another possible treatment choice for individuals suffering from a health condition. The doctor can make the final diagnosis after the hearing test and prescribe a solution accordingly.
Common ENT Emergencies: Get Proper Consultation
ENT emergencies often go unnoticed but can lead to severe problems if not assessed on time. Therefore, you should consult an experienced ENT specialist to prevent these problems from becoming severe. Dr. Michael C. Burnett at Ear, Nose & Throat of New York offers the best solutions and treatments for your ENT emergencies.
Call us today for more details or visit our website to book an appointment now.
Michael C. Burnett, MD
115 East 57th Street
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022
[…] Research in stem cell therapy holds promise for regenerating damaged tissues in the ear, nose, and throat. This innovative approach could potentially restore hearing, improve vocal cord function, and heal other ENT-related conditions. […]