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Dr. Michael Burnett Specializes in Problems of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses and Throat.

An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. ENT is the oldest medical specialty in the United States.



ENT doctor for Tinnitus NYC

What is Tinnitus?

When damage occurs to the inner part of the ear, tinnitus can develop. Imagine going to a concert and standing towards the very front of the stage, right next to the speakers. At first, the music may sound very loud but after a while, you get used to the volume. It won’t be until after the concert is over and you end up shouting instead of speaking that you realize exactly what you put your ears through. Go to enough concerts and stand right by the speakers enough times and you can develop tinnitus.

Unlike traditional hearing loss, tinnitus only describes damage that occurs to the tiny hairs located on the inside of the ear canal. Normally, sound is interpreted by the human ear when these tiny hairs vibrate. When tinnitus occurs, an annoying buzzing sound can replace certain frequencies, causing irritation. It isn’t to be confused with hearing loss as you can hear perfectly fine and still have tinnitus.


The only way to develop tinnitus is to damage the inner part of the ear indirectly. What this means is that tinnitus is caused by exposure to high volumes and loud sounds over a long period. If you work in construction and use tools like jackhammers, tinnitus can develop if you don’t wear protective ear buds. Musicians are also prone to develop tinnitus as they can be exposed to music that goes well over the standard decibel level recommended by doctors. If you listen to your music too loud or watch television at heightened levels, there is a chance that tinnitus could develop.

Signs and Symptoms

Any time you hear a ringing sound in your ears that doesn’t go away, you should consult with a doctor. Sometimes people can experience

periods of hearing loss or ringing in the ears and not have tinnitus. If you hear ringing sounds that don’t go away after you yawn, take a nap and get away from all audio devices, you might be suffering from tinnitus.


There aren’t any known treatments for tinnitus that alleviate all the symptoms or reverse the disorder. On the other hand, some medications are known to provide sufferers with relief and lesson the ringing sensations they experience. If tinnitus is paired with hearing loss, then sometimes hearing aids can be helpful.

Treatment options for tinnitus exist, but you do have to see an ENT. It is best to reach out and get help as soon as you are experiencing symptoms. Get treatment for tinnitus by contacting the best ENT doctors in NYC.

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Michael C. Burnett, MD

115 East 57th Street
(Between Park + Lexington Ave.)
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022
