Nasal allergies or allergic rhinitis are among the common health problems. This condition can be seasonal, which means that you may feel the symptoms at a specific time of the year. This can only be perennial, meaning it can cause throughout the year. This condition may also occur with other health problems like asthma.

Allergic Reactions
Your body’s reaction to an allergen can cause your allergy. Allergens are substances that cause abnormal responses to your body. Common allergens that may cause nasal allergies or an adverse reaction include:
- Mold
- Pollen
- Air pollution
- Feathered and furry animals
- Dust mites
Allergens are generally harmless, but when a person has an allergy, the body considers it as harmful. Your body reacts and indicates antibodies to attack this substance. When allergens stick to antibodies, they make mass cells release chemicals like histamine. This chemical disturbs nearby nasal tissues causing you symptoms of nasal allergies.
Common Symptoms of Nasal Allergies
Due to allergies, your nasal tissue can swell, making your air passages smaller. This will also stuff up nose, excessive mucus formation, nose plug, and dripping out from the nose. Moreover, you will feel a postnasal drip, which is dripping of mucus through the throat. Sinus tissue will swell, causing you headache and pain. Some common symptoms of allergy are:
- Sneezing
- Watery and red eyes
- Coughing
- Headache
- Nasal congestion
- Itchy nose, ears eyes, and throat
- Ear congestion
- Postnasal drip
- Sore throat
- Sinus swell and pain
- Runny nose and watery discharge
1. Stuffy and Runny Nose
A most common symptom of nasal allergy is a stuffy or runny nose. You can start recovering by stopping allergy triggers. For that, you need to know what triggers your allergy. But it is hard to avoid some triggers. All you need to do is to reduce exposure to these allergens. Some people use Neti pot or a nasal rinse to clear congestion. Over-the-counter decongestants, antihistamines, and cromolyn sodium nasal sprays can help to control symptoms of nasal allergies. Do not use the nasal spray for more than three days without consulting the doctor. Always follow the direction to use OTC medicine. If you did not recover in seven days, you need to see a doctor.
2. Sinus Pressure
Sinuses are cavities behind your cheeks, eyes, and forehead. Mucus buildup in this area due to allergies can cause you pain or pressure. Applying moist and warm cloth on your face or taking steam a few times a day can help reduce sinus congestion. Saline nasal spray can also help.
3. Itchy Eyes
One of the common symptoms of allergy is watery or itchy eyes. It may not cause you any vision problems or severe eye issues, but it can be irritating.
To prevent itchy eyes, you have to avoid the triggers that can cause you allergies. For instance, if pollen can cause you allergy, you can keep your windows close, when you are inside. When you go out, you can wear a mask and sunglasses to protect your eyes and keep you away from allergens.
You should avoid wearing contact lenses as this can cause a reaction and do not rub your eyes, since you may irritate your eyes more. You can place a cold cloth on your eyes or use artificial tears to soothe your eyes. OTC medication, prescription, or eye drops can help to relieve you from this symptom.

4. Post-Nasal Drip
Your body naturally generates mucus, and you continuously swallow it without knowing. During postnasal drip, your body either creates more mucus, or it becomes thick. This makes you feel the dripping into your throat from the back of your nose. It may also cause you irritation and pain as you feel a lump in your throat. When this happens, allergens can easily stick to the blockage due to mucus triggering allergies. To avoid this, you should continuously drink fluids, or you can use a saline nasal spray, which makes the mucus thin.
5. Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion is the term to refer to the difficulty of breathing in and out. This symptom may cause for various reasons, and the most common one is due to swelling and inflammation of the tissues of sinuses and nasal passage.
Get Nasal Allergies Treatment – Best ENT Telemedicine
If you are feeling any of the above symptoms for more than a week, schedule a telemedicine appointment with ENT specialist Dr. Michael Burnett.
(212) 644-8350
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