Dr. Michael Burnett Specializes in Problems of the Ear, Nose, Sinuses and Throat.

An ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck. They have special expertise in managing diseases of the ears, nose and nasal passage sinuses, larynx (voice box), oral cavity and upper pharynx (mouth and throat), as well as structures of the neck and face. ENT is the oldest medical specialty in the United States.



Category Archives: Doctor for Ear Wax NYC

ENT Doctor: Ear Wax Removal

Does an ENT doctor do ear wax removal? Cerumen or ear wax plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy and protected. It helps in the elimination of dead skin cells, hair, debris, and dirt from the ear canal. It keeps your ears from getting irritated and feeling itchy.

Not to mention, the removal of unwanted substances also lowers the risk of and prevents infection of the ear canal. What else? You feel little irritation and discomfort when water gets in your ear.

Ear Wax Removal ENT Doctor 2022

Although earwax is useful and serves fantastic purposes, excessive amounts can lead to problems. For example, excessive production of cerumen can cause it to build up in the ear canal, which results in blockage.

However, using cotton swabs or other items to clean your ear canal is also very likely to cause blockage. How? Well, inserting any object in the ear canal can push the earwax further into the ear. Therefore, it is important to use expert help from medical professionals to remove excessive ear wax buildup.

When Do You Need Earwax Removal?

Some people experience excessive production of cerumen, which increases their chance of ear canal blockage. There are several reasons why a person’s body may be producing high amounts of earwax.

For example, swimming frequently can lead to excessive production of earwax in some individuals. On the other hand, some people experience earwax buildup when they consistently wear earplugs or hearing aids. Such items prevent the ear wax from naturally falling out of the ears, causing buildup.

Earwax buildup eventually becomes hard, forming a plug and blocking the ear. This not only affects your sense of hearing but also causes pain and discomfort. Here are some reasons why you should get excessive ear wax removed by an ENT specialist.

  • Earache: Your ear might start hurting if the wax plug presses on the eardrum. Not to mention, you may also develop an ear infection.
  • Hearing Loss: Earwax also acts as a physical barrier that prevents sound waves from reaching your inner ear.
  • Dizziness: Feelings of dizziness and nausea are common symptoms of ear canal blockage. You may start losing balance when cerumen buildup affects your eardrum.
  • Itchiness: You may experience itchiness in your ear due to the buildup and blockage.
  • Tinnitus: Tinnitus refers to a condition where you experience ringing in the ear. Earwax buildup can contribute to the development of tinnitus.
  • Coughing: Your ears are connected with sinuses, nose, and throat through a system of passageways. Accumulated ear wax can stimulate certain nerves, causing irritation and coughing.

ENT for Ear Wax Removal NYC

How ENTs Eliminate Excess Earwax

You might need to see an ENT doctor to clear ear canal blockage if you’re experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms. They can remove excess through various treatments, including:

  • Flushing: For flushing, ENT specialists first soften the wax plug. Then, they flush it out with the help of a water pick or syringe.
  • Suction: The professional uses a small suction device that pulls all the wax buildup out of the ear.
  • Curette: Curette is a medical instrument with a curved ending. Some ENTs use this device to pull the wax out of the ear canal. However, this method requires precision so as to avoid damaging the eardrum.

All ear wax removal methods are quick and easy. It only takes a few minutes to complete any of the above-mentioned procedures. Moreover, they are also quite painless, although you may experience a little discomfort. Make sure you ask your ENT if you’re at risk of any earwax-related ear problems.

ENT Doctor for Ear Wax Removal: Conclusion

The protective earwax usually falls out of the ear naturally. This means that you do not need to use cotton swabs or other items to clean your ear canal. In fact, it is often advised against. Anyhow, excessive earwax production can lead to ear blockage. In such a case, you might want to see an ENT doctor for earwax removal.

If you’re looking for an ENT specialist in NYC, Ear, Nose & Throat of New York can help you with all your ENT-related problems. Michael C. Burnett, MD has many years of experience and provides comprehensive care to his patients. Pay us a visit or call us at 212-867-4813 today!

Ear Wax Removal by ENT Doctor

The Best Ear Wax Removal Techniques According to Doctors

Although cotton swabs are still marketed as being the preferred method of ear wax removal, doctors actually recommend various alternatives in their place. You can gently clean the wax out of your ears while in the shower using a warm, wet cloth – without any soap. There are earwax candling kits that use heat, suction and candle wax to safely remove earwax. However, the following techniques are usually the most suitable and come most highly recommended by doctors.

Vacuum Suction

While you have to be very careful about what you put in your ears, commercially sold earwax removal tools that use the power of suction are deemed to be quite safe. These tools basically use low powered suction to pull the excess wax out of your ears. Safe, fast, affordable, and effective, vacuum powered earwax removal suction tools only require you to swap out their batteries once in a while.

Ear Drops

There are many kinds of medicated ear drops that literally dissolve earwax on contact. Some ear drops have to be used several times a day for multiple days before your ears will be fully clear. This is because these kinds of products are safe and gentle enough to be used on babies and small children. If you have an aversion to putting anything in your ears but you want them to be squeaky clean, try ear drops.

Gentle Oil Cleansing

Earwax is just a buildup of excess dirt, which means that some people’s ears are going to get dirtier than others. Doctors have found that excess earwax will literally glide out of your ears if they are sufficiently lubricated. This is why using generic oils such as glycerin or baby oil can help you to keep the inside of your ears quite clean indeed.

Cotton Swabs

In truth, doctors generally don’t want patients to jab and poke around the inside of their ears, but they make an exception in certain cases. If you can’t use ear drops, don’t like the feeling of oil inside of your ears, and would rather not use a vacuum powdered tool, then traditional cotton swabs are still effective. Use cotton swabs that are very wide on the ends and be very gentle when you clean your ears.

Whatever method you use to clean your ears, just be certain that it is gentle. Earwax isn’t a health hazard unless you let it build up for years. If all else fails, you can just have your doctor do it for you. Make an appointment with the best NYC ENT doctor today if you feel you need help with excessive build up.

Michael C. Burnett, MD

115 East 57th Street
(Between Park + Lexington Ave.)
Suite 600
New York, NY 10022
