It can be scary to suddenly feel dizzy when the room around you is still. Sudden dizziness, or vertigo, is uncomfortable and disorienting. However, many adults deal with it. In this article, we will explain the difference between dizziness and vertigo and why you may be experiencing this feeling. With the right information, you’ll be able to explain your symptoms to your doctor and explore possible solutions.
Reasons for Dizziness
One of the problems with feeling dizzy is that it can be caused by so many different health issues. The most common cause of dizziness is an inner ear problem, which we will discuss below. Heart conditions, migraine headaches, and even diet problems can all cause vertigo too. It’s important to discuss all of your health conditions with your doctor if you are experiencing vertigo, even if you don’t think the condition is relevant. You would be surprised how many conditions leave you feeling dizzy!
Dizziness can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as blood pressure medication. Call your pharmacist if you want to check on your medicine’s side effects or possible drug interactions. Don’t forget to assess your mental health as well. Dizziness is a common symptom of anxiety, and many people suffer from vertigo while having a panic attack.
On rare occasions, dizziness can be caused by a life-threatening condition like a stroke or a brain tumor. If your symptoms are severe, seek medical attention right away.
Vertigo and the Inner Ear
As we mentioned, vertigo is frequently caused by an inner ear problem because the inner ear is one of the parts of our body that controls our sense of orientation and balance. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (or BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo. It occurs when small calcium particles collect in the inner ear and affect a person’s balance. This type of vertigo is often associated with old age.
Meniere’s Disease is another cause of vertigo. This disorder is caused by frequently changing pressure and fluid buildup in the inner ear. In addition to vertigo, patients with Meniere’s Disease usually report tinnitus (or ringing in the ears) as well as hearing loss.
There are also a variety of ear infections, such as vestibular neuritis, that can cause vertigo as well. Depending on the condition, medication might be needed.
Talking to a Doctor
If you are experiencing vertigo, it’s important to see a doctor. Because dizziness can be caused by so many things, a professional will be able to look at your complete health history and lifestyle and determine the exact cause of your problem. Your doctor will also be able to create a treatment plan that works for your specific issue. If you are experiencing sudden, severe vertigo or other symptoms of a stroke, call 911.
Working with a doctor will help you get to the bottom of your dizziness problems. Contact Dr. Michael Burnett at 212-867-4813 to schedule an ENT appointment today.